HomeBlog & ArticlesNewsPitchfest2021 Series: Western Edition

Pitchfest2021 Series: Western Edition

The very first Regional Pitchfest 2021, was the Western Edition held in Fortportal Tourism City, at the New Fort View Resort in Fortportal. The pitchfest is a continuum of business development support and pitching for financial access activities coordinated by Imuka Access and partners to provide an avenue for initiating financial access connections by bridging the gap between entrepreneurs and investors. The Pitchfest series is scheduled to reach out to all regions of Uganda and this particular one was for entrepreneurs in the Western Region.

The event was attended by Uganda Investment Authority derectorate of SMEs, Banks like Finance Trust, Centenary Bank, Stanbic, Private Sector Foundation, among other notable institutional financiers and investor organizations. 12 out of the 17 entrepreneurs that pitched were matched with prospective financiers.

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